Are you eager to learn and gain experiences in new and unfamiliar work Situations?
There are no specific academic requirements, but you are expected to be a person with a surplus and to have an interest in our students and be ready to work with children and young people with special needs. You need to be able to communicate in English since this is the working language in the program. To start the program you should be 18 years or older.Â
Who are we?
The DNYS Schools in Denmark are the names for a number of school centers, with a unique concept, taking care of and educating children and adults with special needs.
The school centers comprises of care homes for children and teenagers, who cannot live at home, and a school, which offer a basic school education together with a number of practical and creative skills like cooking, art and music, theatre, nature life, travel. We find it important to provide our student with an international and humanitarian outlook.
The DNYS schools also work together at several events like concerts, sports events, building weekends and theatre competition. The 6 DNYS Schools, The School Centers in Tvind, Juelsminde, Nordjylland, Bustrup, Nakkeboelle and Gaansager are training Development Instructors to take actions, combining studies about our world today with volunteer training, experiences and actions in the school centre. Read more about the school centers at www.juelsminde.com or www.tvind.dk.
The Idea
The Development Instructor program is a unique chance to study and work with people from all over the world. You will get the chance to travel and learn about different cultures and to help those who are less fortunate. In Denmark you will help children and youngsters with special needs and who have had a difficult start in their lives, and in Africa you will be able to contribute to the fight against poverty and diseases.
HUMANA People to People is currently running around 350 development projects in Southern Africa, India, China and Central America, reaching a total of around 10 million people. We believe that all people ought to have a genuine possibility to live a good and meaningful life, and we stand in solidarity with the weakest, globally and locally.
The Program
The program is 20 months long and consists of practical actions and theoretical studies divided into 5 different periods:
- Period 1 – Research and understanding - the school concept – 3 month
- Period 2 – Raise awareness – make a difference – 3 month
- Period 3 – Prepare for your Project in Africa – 6 month
- Period 4 – Work as Development Instructor in a Humana Project - 6 month
- Period 5 – Camp Future – 2 monthÂ
Starting dates:
The program starts twice a year: 1st of February and 1st of August.
You write a contract as a volunteer at one of the 6 schools. Your will get allowances, which will cover the expenses related to the program in Denmark and a part of your expenses connected to the travel to Africa. The team will go fund raising (selling magazines in the streets) in Denmark to earn the money for the flight ticket to Africa. During the time at the Humana project in Africa you receive food, accommodation and pocket money from Humana.
The enrolment fee is 4000 DKK (530 €).
Application procedure:
Are you ready to take on an exciting and challenging education? If so, we would like to encourage you to apply for our volunteer program and become a Development Instructor in our 20-month program.
How to continue from here:
- If you consider doing this program, the first step for you is to read the www.juelsminde.com and www.humana.org websites.
- You fill in and send us your application form. We will then get back to you to answer the questions you might have.
- The next step is then for you to attend an information meeting. Along with our sister schools, we have several of these meetings every month in different locations all over Europe. Each information meeting is followed by the possibility for you to have a personal meeting with our representative.
- Before you decide to enroll yourself, you should come for information days at one of the schools as you get to see the school and meet the students, the teachers and the headmaster of the school, the Development Instructor teachers and the DI´s, who are already in the program.
- After the meeting at the school you are ready to take the final decision, you fill in and sign an enrolment form and pay the enrolment fee. Then you have a place in a team!