Entrada Notícias Erasmus Intensive Programme - Social Entrepreneurialship – The field of my Future Realization

Erasmus Intensive Programme - Social Entrepreneurialship – The field of my Future Realization

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This IP on social entrepreneurialship (SE) is based on its recognition as an important tool in recent times of crisis for job creation in social enterprises and social economy, as a whole. As far as the inclusive entrepreneurship approach is recognized as not sufficiently addressed in Europe - support should be targeted exclusively at young people to be better educated and thus more active and adaptive in the field of these activities.
The aim of this IP in SE is to provide students with knowledge on SE and its contemporary initiatives; to develop their skills in applying innovative practices in that field. 
The students will be introduced to economic activities, provisions of services or goods with social returns and utilization of the profits first and foremost for social objectives. Special focus will be given to develop students’ potential to deal with, and to overcome some of the recent entrepreneurial barriers, to use specialized information and to be active in lobbing and fund raising. The IC will also reflect the concept of social inclusion of disadvantaged groups and that in labour, in particular.
The main groups of activities will include thematic seminars on SE and on innovative SE practices and workshops. The stress will be put on interactive methods as role games, simulations, case studies etc. for development of skills for starting own business in the field of social services. Some visits of social enterprises and other social undertakings on the territory of Veliko Turnovo town (and district), and meetings with young representatives of successful business initiatives will be organized.

The thematic field of this IT is the delivery (supply) of social services via SE.
The target group includes the students in bachelor degree in the fields of social work and social pedagogy.

The expected outcomes include the following: At least 15 successfully graduated students with enhanced motivation to develop in the field of social entrepreneurials; Teaching materials and a programme for intensive course of young social entrepreneurials developed; Establishment of a students’ and lecturers’ network and their regular contacts; Manual of good social entrepreneurialship practices.
Period planned: 10 days in second half of September 2013 (to be specified with the partners)
Place of the IP: Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
Working language: English
Participants: 1 teacher and 4 students from a partner University
Financial: The IP covers 100% transport, accommodation and subsitance of teachers and students.
For contact: Prof.Pobeda Loukanova  Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar
Organization and Methodology of Social Work Department
Faculty of Economics
St.Cyril and St.Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
2, Teodosii Turnovski str.
5003 Veliko Turnovo
e-mail:  Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar
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