International Master of Science in Social Policy Analysis (IMPALLA)Â
We would like to draw your attention on our advanced International Master of Science in Social Policy Analysis (IMPALLA) organized in Luxembourg (at the Social Science Research Centre CEPS/INSTEAD) and at the University of Leuven.
We inform you that application for next academic year 2013-2014 is still possible and merit grants or need based scholarships are still available!
If you know promising students that might profit from a high quality and research oriented Master programme, please motivate them to send in their
application before the deadline. We welcome applications until March 31 (non EU) or May 31 (EU citizens).
Possible students can find out more about the programme on the call for applicants attached to this email and on our website:Â
For any complementary information and the possibilities of grants by the Programme, please contact our IMPALLA secretariat:Â
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Esther Zana-Nau
Programme Manager
IMPALLA - The International Master of Science in Social Policy Analysis
By Luxembourg, Leuven and Associate InstitutesÂ
3, Avenue de la Fonte
L-4364 Esch-sur-Alzette   Â
Tel.: Â +352 58 58 55 652
Fax: Â +352 58 58 55 700Â
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Files Available for download:Â
 2013-2014- Call for Applicants - IMPALLA Programme (245.47 kB)
 2013-2014- Call for Applicants - IMPALLA Programme (245.47 kB)