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Dia Aberto ERASMUS

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proalv                                                                                               erasmus logo

Dia Aberto Erasmus

No seguimento do convite para participação no Dia Aberto Erasmus que decorrerá no próximo dia 26 de Setembro, a AN Proalv gostaria de contar com a vossa colaboração para a divulgação do evento junto da comunidade académica.

O evento terá lugar no SANA Lisboa Hotel. O Programa está disponível para consulta em http://www.proalv.pt/Erasmus/DiaErasmus/Programa.pdf.
Recordamos ainda que as presenças na conferência do período da manhã deverão ser confirmadas previamente para o email  This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Desde já agradecemos a vossa colaboração.

Equipa Erasmus
AN Proalv


2nd International Workshop on Renewable Energy

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2nd International Workshop on Renewable Energy

11th – 15th June 2012

Detailed information available at: http://www.crusus.org


Are you interested in renewable energy?

Would you like to learn, exchange experiences and knowledge on this topic with invited lecturers/instructors and other participants of various countries?

Would you like to broaden your understanding about renewable energy sources (RES) by addressing the technical, commercial, regulatory, and management issues related to this sector?
Come to meet us at the University of Azores to attend seminars and take part in practice-based sessions on selected topics of RES, involving academics, industry professionals, and students.

Oportunidades de Financiamento nos programas de trabalho de 2012 do 7ºPQ

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  Oportunidades de Financiamento nos programas de trabalho de 2012 do 7ºPQ

 27 Junho 2011

Universidade da Madeira

Colégio dos Jesuítas

Sala de Simulação Empresarial

Programa preliminar


Noite do Empreendedor

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Cartaz StartentJá no dia 1 de Abril, às 19horas realizar-se-à no Átrio do Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias a "Noite do Empreendedor" - Entrada Livre.

Evento a decorrer no âmbito do projecto STARTENT Project - Fostering entrepreneurial culture in Europe.

Agradecemos confirmação da presença para o e-mail This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ou pelo telefone 291 723 000


Pictures - Information Session ERASMUS & Monitoring Visit to the University of Madeira and the ERASMUS Consortium

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Information Session ERASMUS & Monitoring Visit to the University of Madeira and the ERASMUS Consortium


Aware of the active role that entities and/or companies of the Autonomous Region of Madeira may have in ERASMUS and the construction of Europe, the National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Program and the University of Madeira will hold an Erasmus Program Information Session on June 17, 2010 at 15h00m on the Senate Room in the Campus of Penteada, with the presence of the Rector of the University in the opening session.

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